Bouncers, Walkers and ExerSaucers,
Oh My!
Kids Place Pediatric Physical Therapist
a first time parent, standing in a Babies
R Us equipment aisle is an overwhelming experience. With all of the advertisements and Consumer
Reports, it’s hard to tell which piece of equipment to use with your
child. There are bouncers, swings, Bumbo
seats, ExerSaucers, and more. So, what
do you really need?

what do you do with your baby when holding them or placing them on the floor is
not an option? This may be a very
appropriate time to place your baby in their crib or playpen. You may think this would also be a good time
to place your baby in special equipment, like walkers or Exersaucers? We say NO!
indicate the two leading causes of head injuries in babies are from the use of
walkers and falling from baby furniture.
Other studies indicate 40 percent of babies are injured during the use
of a walker - falling down stairs, climbing out of the device, or tipping over
in the device. In most instances parents
were present and supervising their baby prior to the injury, but were unable to
react fast enough to prevent the injury.
about using an ExerSaucer or jumpy to work on leg strength, balance, and gait
skills improvement? Several studies have
examined and concluded that motor development is decreased in infants and
toddlers who spend the most time in play-assisted equipment. On the same lines, in a study by A.L. Abbott
and D.J. Bartlett, infants with lower equipment use scored higher on motor
development tasks when tested using the standardized test - Alberta Infant
Motor Scale.
placed in a walker or equipment that allows a baby to stand, the baby uses
mostly the muscles in the back of the leg.
This is especially true in the beginning as they will often push forward
leaning their chest on the support surface and rise up on tip-toes to move the
device using both feet together. This
position does not allow the same use of the muscles at the front of the legs or
the use of tummy muscles. Walking
requires equal use and strength of both the front and back leg muscles. In these types of equipment, the baby’s balance
point or center of gravity is lower and behind the normal balance point when
leaning forward in equipment. Further,
normal balance reactions and arms are not used in the same manner as normal

you find you have acquired a myriad of equipment, our recommendation is to
limit the time your baby spends in equipment.
We understand you cannot hold your baby all day. The floor may not always be the best option
with older kids or pets around. In
Arizona, parents often are afraid their tile floors will cause injuries. Our suggestion: use a pack and go or a playpen. Using these will allow your baby to explore
their environment and bodies to gain strength and awareness the way we did as
children. If you want to use walkers or
ExerSaucers, the maximum amount of time per day in any piece of equipment
should be 15 minutes. Please note: you should always supervise your baby closely
in equipment to decrease the incidence of an injury. As always, encourage your baby to spend most
of their "play" time on the floor sitting, crawling, cruising and
perfecting other motor skill milestones.
Read more:
- Kauffman IB, Ridenour M (1977) Influence of an infant walker on onset and quality of walking pattern of locomotion: an electromyographic investigation. Percept Mot Skills 45:1323–1329. MedlineWeb of Science
- Kavanagh CA, Banco L (1982) The infant walker: a previously unrecognized health hazard. Am J Dis Child 136:205–206. CrossRefMedline
- Fazen LE III., Felizberto PI (1982) Baby walker injuries. Pediatrics 70:106–109. Abstract/FREE Full Text
- Stoffman JM, Bass MJ, Fox AM (1984) Head injuries related to the use of baby walkers. Can Med Assoc J 131:573–575. Abstract
- Infant walkers: developmental tool or weapon? Jacquelyn Chamberlin, OTR/L The Children’s Medical Center.
- Chelsea and Westminster Hospital; Promoting Your Baby's Physical Development; January 2011
- Consumer Reports; Bouncer-Seat Safety; April 2007
- "Child: Care, Health and Development"; Infant Motor Development; A.L. Abbott, D.J. Bartlett; May 2001
- National Institute of Child Health and Human Development; Safe Sleep; August 2009
- Healthy Children; Movement: 8 to 12 Months; May 12, 2011
Very educational. Very balanced. Since your institute works with children with physical problems your advice is well taken.